Earth Hour: March 28th 8:30-9:30pm
I recently just watched a Podcast from green tv about the WWF (World-Wide Fund for Nature) about their upcoming push for Earth Hour. The concept is very simple, but the impact can be huge.
At 8:30 pm local time on March 28th, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, just turn the lights off for 60 minutes. (While you’re at it, turn everything off. The food in your fridge won’t spoil in an hour, unplug your toilet seat heater, unplug the TV that drains elecrtiricity even when switched off).
Check out the green tv Podcast here.
And visit the Earth Hour website here.
Imagine the impact if somehow the entire world could carry-out this collective ation: a rolling blackout across the entire Earth! Instant proof that our actions do affect this planet we live on, and that we have direct control over the extent which our lifestyles affect Earth. No doubt this it is a daunting task, but even if a small percentage of people worldwide participates, satellites in orbit would be able to witness the change.
I really urge people to take a look at these links and make a pledge to participate! This is especially important in Japan, because at the time when I signed up yesterday there we no (that’s right, zero) participants or events that I could find in Japan!!! I hope this isn’t the case, but if so, there’s a lot of work to be done in the next 13 days. Check out what you can do to help get worldwide leaders to recognize that we need to collectively do more to protect the environment. For example, you can organize an Earth Hour event or get-together, get some candles, and at 8:30 enjoy being unplugged from the grid and plugged-in to good ‘ol clean energy fun.
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