BEE Japan 2009 Ride Applications available at
This is currently keeping me pretty busy, so if anyone's wondering why I haven't been responding to emails lately...
Applications for 2009 Ride available until February 28th
Written by Salem on Jan 27th, 2009 and posted in 2009, Lead Article Hey everyone, 2009 Ride Leader Salem here. With the new year it’s time to get the ball (wheel) rolling and start the application process for Team 2009. I’ll be making a copy available here on the website, so if you are still interested and haven’t contacted me or anyone here at BEE, now is the time. I’ll be accepting applications until February 28th (2009 is not a leap year–please don’t forget!). I want to state in advance to that there are no suprises, that 2009 Team Riders are expected to provide their own cycle and burden the costs of getting to Wakkanai and home from Sata (or Okinawa?). In addition to this, riders will be asked to make a donation of approximately 70,000 Japanese yen. Please take these things into careful consideration when you are completing the application.
Many people have already contacted me and I’m really excited about the possibilities that lay ahead of us this year. I’m incredibly honored to have the opportunity to work with a group of people ready to devote 2 months of their lives to spreading environmental awareness, connecting with local people throughout Japan, and just plain open to the unmatchable adventure this promises to be (or should I say, BEE?).
I look forward to hearing from everyone in the next few weeks!
BEE 2009:ライダー募集中(2月28日までお申し込み)
Written by Salem on 1 月 28th, 2009 and posted in 2009, トップの記事皆さん今日は!BEE 2009ライドリーダー、セイラム・ウィラードです。
新年を迎えて、2月28日までBEE 2009ライドはライダー募集中です。
BEE 2009ライドに参加するライダーは、次の必須のことをご注意ください:
今まで、たくさんの参加した人から連絡をもらったので、BEE 2009ライドを楽しみしています。私はリーダーになるということは、本当に光栄に思います。皆さんと一緒に環境の意識を持たせてあげたり、全国各地方の 日本人と交流したり、比類のない冒険をしたりすることを目指しています。
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